Story time fam. I have reunited with a suitor of mine. It was our second reunion. He was your typical "hobbyist" married middle aged man. Looking for some help with, his health. :)
He requested lingerie, again, like the first time. The first time I wore a black set with a black robe and cheetah print heels. This time I decided to go all red, red heels, and red robe with fur on the tips. My white toenails glowed in the sunlight rays, and I curled my hair in a bouncy classic pinup hair style.
I took my camera to make some content before he arrived but it wasn't long before it said memory card full. So I only got to do so much but I did get some amazing and sexy clips in this beautiful, cathedral roof Airbnb I rented.
I was ready for him, I needed to see this guy. In our last session he was very submissive and subservient yet he had a fat cock and was strong and did most the work and stays hard for a longggg time and I have been a little sad and anxious lately so I needed a good railing to lift my spirits. :)
He stepped in with a sweet smile and face full of amazement. He looked handsome in his glasses, and tucked in button up with some nice leather shoes. I think he came straight from the hospital, Oh Doctor check me pleaseeee. 😅
We kissed right away and I hadn't seen him in so long I forgot how soft his lips were. It takes two to tango and we were a great pair. We started kissing intense and passionate holding eachother tight and letting our hands explore eachothers bodies outside our clothes. Just kissing,holding, and connecting again.
I then suggested we go to a room, at some point he had to go grab his phone to keep it close by in case he gets an emergency work call. We got back to kissing and there begun a few hours of non stop play.
What I loved about this guy is he wanted to worship, and he was very vocal. You could tell he was super into roleplay and dirty talk. Even though we've only met twice, I forgot that he was following my social media for years. He has been worshipping me, adoring me, and jacking off to my pictures for years. He has been loving me, a perfect stranger, on the internet for so long. He is so grateful that he is lucky enough to make a dream come true, so he is always sure to show his gratitude constantly. Like he is forever in debt of my open heart.
So he kissed me with all his heart, and he listened to the texts I sent him before we met. He ASKED, what would please me and make me happy. He asked for instruction, so, I gave it to him. He listened so well. He would go from my lips down to my breasts... then suck and lick on each nipple, squishing my tits together and looking up at me eye to eye. He spent a nice long time kissing and teasing my body, as I requested. I really love going slow most of all because that just seems to be my fav pace of sensuality and sex, going slow is how I squirt, and it builds up so much more intensity to the session.
I told him I wanted to be licked for hours, and I wanted it to be good. Because let's be honest, most guys do not know how to eat pussy. And even if I give them instruction they don't fucking listen. Cavemen. Lol.
Though he listened, he licked and kissed my kitty softtt and slow. He spent so much time eating my pussy, and doing it good, and not wearing me out but making me so horny I was humping and fucking his face. Hey, guys aren't the only ones that can face fuck! 🤓
When I would try to move away to give him a break he would pull my hips back onto his face. He laid me down and licked me, he had me strattle his face, and he propped me in all fours and licked me from behind.
It had to be at least 45-60min of just straight foreplay and pussy eating first! He served me so well, I kept worrying about him of course but he was eager to please me. He massaged my pussy lips open and closed just like I asked. He used his tongue to massage my clit and to fuck my pussy. He did it all, of course going down and giving my cute asshole some kisses and licks too. He worshipped all of me.
After a long time I told him I was dying for him to fuck me now. Just what I wanted, a long anxious build up of tease, to get me wet and going. I was ready. I grabbbed a magnum and put it on, making a joke about how he needs the next size up and he rolled his eyes. Guys sometimes don't believe they have big dicks when they do, it drives me nuts. But we slowly hugged eachother tight while he slid it inside of me. Our gasps and moans coming out as we begun.
From there it was another hour of rolling around on the bed. We started in missionary, I think, and I remember when we flipped to doggy that's when it got so intense. It felt so good and so deep in me. He gave me some spankings, pulled my hair, ran his fingertips down my back, and kissed my shoulders.
I made him cum twice, or three times.... I have fuzzy tired brain while trying to write this so please excuse me. It is quite the morning of recovery. 🥴
Through this whole time, from the start he was giving me affirmations. He would tell me, "Your my queen. My mistress. My goddess, you are so beautiful. You need to know how beautiful you are. I love everything about you, you are perfect."
Through the whole time he made sure to give me verbal affirmations. Which definitely turned me on and made me feel really good. So bravo my friend, good technique.
After making him cum several times, me as well, we finally laid together and talked. He told me the song "Georgia" that he always hears in his head when he thinks of me. From some years ago he saw a photo of me in a river when he was listening to that song and it seems he never forgot the moment. It is crazy how one photo I post online can be in memorable and emotional moment for someone. I wonder how many people I have effected, with my presence, with my energy.
He told me how he felt like his wife and him were growing a part. And he feels like they might just be together for the kids. He said this with softness, and I could tell it hurt him to even say it out loud. I think men handle divorce and emotions worse than women. So I know he truly loves her even though he was in bed with me. Being through divorce twice I told him I know his pain and held his hand to comfort him. In that moment we talked and looked into each others eyes, as two very lonely people. Knowing we don't truly wish to be there with eachother, we are aching for the affection from the ones we love so much. Helping eachother get through intimate and emotional setbacks in adulthood. Trying to cope with, life.
We talked about our kids, about his career, and about my career. We asked silly questions like our favorite color and food. He made sure to dedicate some time to getting to know me. The whole time he kept grabbing me and looking me in the eye and saying, "I DO want to get to know you. I want to know more about you." Then he looked at me and said "You are just so.... wholesome." I smiled and thought he was nuts to say that about me, but at the same time I agreed. He smiled and said "You are such a dirty girl, but so wholesome too." And we both had the biggest smiles.
He showered me off of him, got dressed in his work clothes and went out the door. After our goodbyes I packed up my stuff and headed home. It was a long drive, and my koochie was a little sore, but I was satisfied and enchanted by another intimate meeting. It's always weird feeling after these sessions, not because of the sex, but of the conversations had, the spiritual connections made, etc. Not weird in a bad way, but I always walk away feeling like I'm a different person.
Now I'm a zombie in bed the next morning not wanting to do a thing lol! I just had to write this one out, I am trying to get better about my writing. I always loved releasing a story and then all the emails and compliments I would get. Even the cashapp and Venmo tips people send me because I turned them on so much with my words! It feels REALLY good because I LOVE to write. So thank you for those who support this journey of mine.
With all my love, til next time. Xoxoxo